Whales Everywhere!
A lucky group of travellers from Germany were in for a real treat. We had the best possible conditions for this tour, flat calm and beautiful hot sun. We took off at ten and cruised through Sidney Channel towards Lime Kiln on San Juan Island. It only took about 20 minutes to reach J and L Pod where we were soon watching approximately 50 – 60 Orcas playing around in their natural habitat. Our guests were blown away by the spyhops and breaches and managed to take some spectacular photographs. We spent the better portion of 2 hours in awe of the beautiful creatures. Regretfully we decided to head back through Miners channel where we saw an array of sea birds. We also stopped to check out some harbour seals. We couldn’t have asked for a better day out there. Both our guests and ourselves were thrilled to be out there in those conditions with all that marine wildlife.